By the Numbers
Together we’re going to accomplish some incredible things over the next few years.


Bassett & Avocado Heights
Three freeways, Quemetco battery recycling center, and a landfill near Bassett and Avocado Heights are major contributors to pollution in the area. These neighborhoods are predicted to experience over 40 additional extreme heat days per year by 2050. The Bassett Avocado Heights Advanced Energy Community is committed to empowering the community to reduce local pollution and generate clean, local, reliable power.
Technically speaking, BAAEC defines our service area based on six census tracts that cover around 4.7 square miles. This area has a population of about 28,000 people.
Get Involved
We can’t do it without you! There are all kinds of ways to get involved in building the Bassett Avocado Heights Advanced Energy Community.



- 64% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions over a 25 year period.
- 285 combined participants anticipated in Advanced Homes and Community Solar programs.
- 30.5 metric tons CO2 equivalent emissions reduction annually through electric vehicle vanpooling and microtranist services. This is equivalent to over 500 tree seedlings grown for 10 years (per US EPA greenhouse gas equivalencies calculator).
- 96% reduction in net grid electricity consumption over a 25 year period. Net grid electricity is the balance of electricity consumed from and contributed to the power grid.